Prof. dr. Amir A. Zadpoor
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor, TU Delft
Chaired Prof of Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanics, TUDelft
Professor of Orthopedics, Leiden University Medical Center
Director of the Additive Manufacturing Lab
Department of Biomechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Mekelweg 2, Delft 2628CD, The Netherlands
Room: E-3-290
Phone: +31 15-27 81021
Fax: +31 15-27 84717
e-mail: a [dot] a [dot] zadpoor [at_sign] tudelft [dot] nl
Soft-hard interfaces
Curvature and cells
Curvature and cells
4D printing, self-folding
4D printing, self-folding
Origami lattices
Origami lattices
Auxetic meta-implants
Auxetic meta-implants
Soft robotics, actuators
Soft robotics, actuators
De Technoloog
Lof der Geneeskunst
Deployable implants
Deployable implants
Journal covers featuring our research
Research-related figures
Emergency ventilator
Emergency ventilator
3DMED project (end)
3DMED project (end)
3DMED project (begin)
3DMED project (begin)
Selected publications

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